Blogs & Resources

7 July 2022

Thinking of taking on a business partner?

The amount that you receive from your future Business Partner buying in will depend on the Value of your Business.And that Valuation will usually depend on the …
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5 July 2022

Why care about my business value if I'm not selling?

There are *many* events in a business that will trigger a Business Valuation - even if you’re not selling. eg:* Onboarding a Business Partner* Applying fo…
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4 July 2022

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2023.

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2023. Grow with the Value in Mind…
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28 June 2022

You mean this is all I get for working 20 years?

Despite all of their hard work over many years, most business owners only find out at sale time, that their business is not worth nearly as much as they thought…
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2 June 2022

Thinking of selling your Business?

The last few years have shown us all that we’re not as in control as we thought we were. We’ve had a Global Pandemic, Lockdowns, ‘The Great Re…
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1 May 2022

Grow with Value in Mind - Selling your business

Two of the most rewarding and stressful times that you will have with your business is at the starting phase and when you go to sell. Some points of consid…
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17 April 2022

Grow with the Value in Mind - Inventory / Stock Management

Businesses will often (without realising) carry too much or too little inventory.Inventory affects both the profit and loss and balance sheet of a business. &nb…
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14 March 2022

Let us start with the end in mind - The benefits of measuring your Business.

Measuring your business against other similar businesses can give you valuable feedback on your business performance.When you benchmark your business, you will …
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1 March 2022

Why do we go into Business?

I googled this – there are many articles. Below are the responses from the articles that feature on the first page of the search.Control Your Schedul…
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21 February 2022

Back to Basics: Pricing your products and services.

Many business owners will reduce their prices to increase volume and hopefully revenue and profit, however, this does not necessarily lead to the results antici…
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10 February 2022

Taxation Update - January / February 2022

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, our most recent newsletter covers: -    ATO support for businesses in difficul…
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13 December 2021

Can I claim my Christmas party as a tax deduction and what are the fringe benefit tax implications?

Generally speaking, if a party / function is held off the employer's premises and the cost per head is less than $300 the cost will be exempt from Fringe Be…
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9 December 2021

Are gifts to clients / customers tax deductible?

Generally speaking yes. If the gift is designed to:1.    Promote and / or advertise your business;2.    Generate goodwill between your busin…
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2 December 2021

Taxation Update - December 2021

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, our most recent newsletter covers: -    Super is now following new employees- …
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29 November 2021

Giving Employees Gifts at Christmas Time.

Generally, the most tax effective outcome when providing Employees with gifts is to ensure that the following is adhered to:1. The gift is less than $300, Goods…
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2 November 2021

Taxation Update - November 2021

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, our most recent newsletter covers: -    Preparing for the new Director ID regi…
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