Blogs & Resources

26 October 2021

Small Business CGT Concession – Tax Minimisation

Small business capital gains tax concessions allow the owners of small businesses to disregard or defer some of the gains they make when selling their businesse…
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18 October 2021

Cash flow and profit?

A common issue that we hear is how can I be making a profit but yet I have no cash to pay myself and my bills.The first thing to remember is that your profit do…
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18 October 2021

The ATO has extended the Work From Home shortcut method. you would like to discuss further plea…
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9 October 2021

Taxation Update - October 2021

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, our most recent newsletter covers: -    Extra super step when hiring new emplo…
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7 October 2021

Director identification number

Current Company Directors have until 30 November 2022 to apply for their Director Identification Number.Please refer to the link below for more information.http…
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30 September 2021

Understanding the financial reports of your business.

Most people who own a business will have an accountant that will prepare a set of financial reports and income tax return for their business.Many of these busin…
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24 September 2021

Business Survival - What is a Business's Cash Runway?

The Cash Runway is also referred to as a Business Burn Rate.The Cash Runway is a critical Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for new or start-up businesses. I…
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18 September 2021

Valuing your business.

A common method of valuing your business is applying the maximum capitalisation rate to the net business earnings.  Sometimes, Earnings before Interest, Ta…
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7 September 2021

Points of consideration when selling your business?

Two of the most rewarding and stressful times that you will have with your business is at the starting phase and when you go to sell.Some points of consideratio…
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2 August 2021

Taxation Update - August 2021

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, our most recent newsletter covers: - Reminder of superannuation caps indexation for 2022…
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17 July 2021

Cash Support For Victorian Businesses During Lockdown

The Victorian Government will provide new cash grants for businesses affected by the short lockdown necessary to get ahead of the Delta strain, so they can have…
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16 July 2021

Payment of Dividends or Wages, which is better?

We are often asked whether it’s better for a business to pay Dividend or Wages. The following are useful points to consider:Consider when paying a dividen…
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9 July 2021

Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) - limit on members to be increased from 4 people to 6.

LinkIf you would like to discuss further please contact us:McNamara & Company - Chartered Accountants, located minutes from the Melbourne CBDwww.mcnamaraand…
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8 July 2021

Taxation Update - July 2021

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, our most recent newsletter covers:- Super guarantee contribution due date for June 2021 quart…
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1 July 2021

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2022.

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2022.McNamara & Company…
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29 June 2021

How do super contributions reduce my tax?

Making concessional superannuation contributions is an effective way to minimise your tax as we approach the end of the 2021 financial year. Typically, the…
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