The Three Freedoms of your Business.

5 March 2023

Admin User

Do you understand the 3 areas of your business that will improve your overall lifestyle? 

Financial Freedom

Do you know your cash position?

Can you pay bills as they fall due?

Can you produce meaning financial reports?

Is your business delivering enough money to live your desired lifestyle?

Time Freedom

How much time do you spend working in the business rather than working on the business?

How much time do you spend on paperwork each week?

How much time would you like to spend on / in the business each week?

How many holidays do you take a year?

Mind Freedom

What areas of your business that cause you the most stress?

How much time to you spend thinking on the business when you are not working?

What would success look like to you in 12 months?

Please contact our office should you wish to discuss further.

McNamara & Company - Chartered Accountants, located minutes from the Melbourne CBD
Phone +61 3 9428 1062

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