Blogs & Resources

4 April 2013

What is the difference between Core and Supporting (non core) Activities in connection with the Research and Development (R & D) Tax Incentive?

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27 March 2013

What are excluded Core Activities for the Research and Development (R & D) Tax incentive?

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26 March 2013

Is it possible to purchase a house and land package through a Self Managed Superannuation (SMSF) given the nature of the transaction?

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22 March 2013

Does the tax exemption on my pension continue after I die?

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21 March 2013

What types of activities qualify for the Research & Development (R & D) Tax Incentive?

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19 March 2013

Are payments from self insurance reserve counted towards your concessional contribution cap?

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14 March 2013

How do you lodge your Research and Development (R & D) Tax Incentive Tax Offset, i.e., how is it received?

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13 March 2013

How is the Research & Development (R & D) Tax Offset calculated?

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12 March 2013

What tax offsets are available under the Research and Development (R & D) Tax Incentive?

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7 March 2013

How does the turnover of the company affect my Research and Development (R & D) Incentive?

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6 March 2013

Is it possible to purchase land / property inside a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) and develop it?

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4 March 2013

What are the implications of being controlled by exempt entities in terms of the R & D Tax Incentive?

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27 February 2013

What details should I check before investing my Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) money, i.e., what due diligence is required?

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25 February 2013

Am I eligible for the R & D Tax Incentive?

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22 February 2013

What is the effective tax rate on capital assets sold inside Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) that has been held for more than a year?

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20 February 2013

What are the different methods of paying my various tax liabilities and can I use a credit card?

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