Blogs & Resources

24 January 2014

If I have recently registered a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) what is the due date for its tax compliance?

Newly registered SMSFs must generally lodge their annual return by the 28 February following their first financial year, when using an accountant / tax agent. I…
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16 January 2014

If I am receiving an account based pension, can I commute my pension i.e., take a lump sum and allocate it towards my minimum pension payment?

Yes.  The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released Self Managed Superannuation Fund Determination 2013/2 (SMSFD 2013/2) stating: 1.  When a me…
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10 January 2014

What is an in house asset in relation to a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)?

An in house asset is defined in Section 71 of Superannuation Industry Supervision Act 1993 (SISA 1993) as an asset of the fund that is: -    A…
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6 January 2014

What is the maximum amount of superannuation that can be contributed to my superannuation fund in one year?

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1 January 2014

What happens to the deductions that are claimed as apart of the Research and Development (R & D) Tax Incentive?

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30 December 2013

If I am a trustee of a Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF) what happens if I become a disqualified person, i.e., bankrupt?

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23 December 2013

How are gifts to employees treated for tax purposes?

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13 December 2013

Are gifts to clients / customers tax deductible?

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10 December 2013

Can I claim my Christmas party as a tax deduction and what are the fringe benefit tax implications?

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5 December 2013

How is a distribution / payment of money from a private company (pty ltd) to a shareholder by a liquidator treated?

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29 November 2013

What is an amalgamated loan in terms of Division 7A and when will it not be treated as a dividend?

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11 November 2013

Can I borrow money from my Company (Pty Ltd) to purchase shares in it?

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8 November 2013

What conditions should be in place if I have borrowed money from my company (Pty Ltd)?

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5 November 2013

What type of tax returns for the 2013 financial year were due by 31 October 2013?

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1 November 2013

What if I have a loan with my company (Pty Ltd) but I treat it like all other commercial loans?

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20 October 2013

Will a loan / payment to / between related companies (Pty Ltd) be treated as assessable income (unfranked dividend)?

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