Blogs & Resources

11 October 2013

If the payment is made from your company (Pty Ltd) is for a Genuine Debt, it will not be treated as a dividend.

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3 October 2013

How can I prevent a payment / 'loan? from my Company to me been treated as an unfranked dividend?

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27 September 2013

What is considered to be a loan from a Proprietary Limited Company (Pty Ltd)?

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18 September 2013

What happens if I owe my company money?

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12 September 2013

What are the issues of expenditure not been incurred at arm's length for the Research and Development Tax Incentive?

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28 August 2013

What is a 'Notional Deduction' in terms of the Research and Development (R & D) Tax Incentive?

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20 August 2013

What is the Objective of the Research and Development Tax Incentive?

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14 August 2013

What are the Company Tax Loss Laws?

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4 August 2013

The importance of keeping Research and Development (R & D) records.

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26 July 2013

What is an 'Advanced Finding' in relation to the Research and Development (R & D) Tax Incentive?

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18 July 2013

Is my company eligible for the Research and Development (R & D) Tax Incentive?

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15 July 2013

What happens if my Self Management Superannuation Fund (SMSF) can not make the minimum payment for my Account Based Pension?

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9 July 2013

What is the new Superannuation Charge Guarantee (SCG) Charge percentage for the 2014 financial year?

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29 June 2013

Small Business Tax Return Checklist for 30 June

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24 June 2013

Income Tax Returns For Individuals - Checklist

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21 June 2013

Important considerations for Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) for the end of the financial year.

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