Small Business Tax Return Checklist for 30 June

29 June 2013

Admin User

1.    Income

  • a.    Income from sales and/or the provision of services
  • b.    Debtors listing as at 30 June 2013
  • c.    Creditors as at 30 June 2013
  • d.    Details of any Government Industry Payments received

2.    Rental Properties

  • a.    Provide details of rental income (Annual Rental Statement from Real Estate Agent)
  • b.    Details of additional expenses incurred
  • c.    Details of periods property was rented
  • d.    Capital costs / Depreciation items
  • e.    Date of purchase of rental property as per contract

3.    Repairs and maintenance

  • a.    Details of any repairs and maintenance carried out to any business assets greater than $1,000.

4.    Employees

  • a.    Copies of PAYG Payment Summaries and PAYG Payment Summary Statement
  • b.    WorkSafe details i.e. Declaration of Rateable Remuneration
  • c.    Payroll Tax (If applicable)
  • d.    Annual reconciliation statements for salary and wages
  • e.    Information about contributions on employee's behalf relating to superannuation guarantee charge

5.    Petty Cash Expenditure

  • a.    Petty cash summary and balance at 30 June

6.    Travelling Expenses

  • a.    Travel diary and other documentation (receipts essential)

7.    Motor vehicles (if used for business purposes)

  • a.    Expenditure on fuel and oil, registration, insurance, tyres, repairs, etc
  • b.    Log books (car must not be more than 5 years old)
  • c.    Total business kilometres travelled for the year (if not using current log book)
  • d.    Engine size:
    • -    0 - 1,200
    • -    1,201 - 2,000
    • -    2,001 & greater

8.    Bank Accounts & Credit Card

  • a.    Reconciliation of bank account and credit card accounts
  • b.    Statement(s) at 30 June

9.    Plant and Property

  • a.    For assets purchased or sold provide: description, dates, and values of purchase and sale
  • b.    Business use percentage
  • c.    Review last year depreciation schedule for assets that were sold or written off

10.    Capital Gains

  • a.    Details on any other personal or business use assets, acquired on or after 20/09/1985 that were sold
  • b.    Details of additions / improvements to assets

11.    Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT)

  • a.    Were any fringe benefits to the employees of the business or their associates there may be a FBT liability

12.    Division 7A

  • a.    Amounts paid lent or forgiven by a private company to certain associated entities (including individuals) are treated as dividends in the name of the entity (person) nthat receives the benefit of the loan.  If an excluded loan agreement is entered into by a certain time this may prevent the loan been treated as a dividend.

13.    Loan and liabilities

  • a.    Statements for all loans owing by the business, with an end of financial year balance and interest paid

14.    Accelerating Expenditure - Small Business Entity (SBE)

  • a.    Immediate write off for depreciating assets purchase that cost less than $6,500 each. (This has increased from $1,000).
  • b.    Can claim an immediate $5,000 deduction for motor vehicles purchased during the year. The remainder of the costs can be pooled and depreciated at a rate of 15% in the first year and 30% for later years.

15.    Software issues

  • a.    If you use an accounting package to administer your affairs please provide a reconciled copy of:
    • -    MYOB
    • -    QuickBooks
    • -    XERO
    • -    QuickBooks
    • -    Other

16.    Insurance Cover

  • a.    Details of policy including name of insurance company, premiums payable, amount of cover

17.    Leased Plant and Motor Vehicles

  • a.    Detailed list of all plant and motor vehicle leased and lost for each item including contract details

18.    Other items

  • a.    Value of closing stock on hand at 30 June 2013
  • b.    Bad debts written off as at 30 June 2013
  • c.    Spouse's incomes / children's incomes / investments / interest
  • d.    Details of income from other sources (e.g.: family trust, partnership)
  • e.    Has your postal address changed from last tax return?
  • f.    Do we have your email address?
  • g.    Do you have any financial goals set?
  • h.    Have you had a financial review to discuss these?
  • i.    Do you know we offer mortgage health checks, income protection and estate planning?

19.    Electronic Transfer of Funds

Would you like your refund electronically paid directly into your Bank account? Please provide the following details:

  • a.    Account Name
  • b.    BSB Number
  • c.    Account Number

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