Blogs & Resources

20 November 2015

What is a Testamentary Trust?

This is a Trust that comes into existence from someone having its terms stated in their will. When someone states in their will that their assets will be hel…
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16 November 2015

Can my Family Trust distribute money to my Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)?

Yes it is possible to this.  However, it is considered to be non arms length income in the hands of the SMSF and therefore taxed at top marginal rates. …
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8 November 2015

More Audit Activity from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) It maybe worthwhile considering aud…
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5 November 2015

What is the ‘two year rule’ in terms of deceased estates?

The beneficiary of a deceased estate has up to two years to dispose of the dwelling of the deceased  before they will incur tax.   The time period …
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30 October 2015

November 2015 - Taxation Update

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, where the following topics are discussed: 1.  Immediate deductibility of capital star…
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28 October 2015

Accounting and Tax Essentials for property investors

Whether you own the rental property in your: own name and Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF), company; trust etc., it is important to be aware of the allow…
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26 October 2015

When is a Dwelling (residence) that has been inherited from a deceased estate eligible for a full Capital Gain CGT exemption (Part 2)?

Further to 21/10/15……
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24 October 2015

How effective is your structure for tax purposes?

The following is real life example of a client of ours: Purchased an investment property in 1992 for $180,000 Sold the same investment property in 2007 fo…
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21 October 2015

When is a Dwelling (residence) that has been inherited from a deceased estate eligible for a full Capital Gain (CGT) exemption.

Section 118 – 195 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 states that a beneficiary may claim a full main residence exemption (CGT Free) of the deceased dwellin…
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17 October 2015

Factors to consider when applying the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) main residence exemption after death?

Under certain circumstances a full or partial CGT exemption may be available to a beneficiary that disposes a main residence.  Things that need to be consi…
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13 October 2015

What are the steps in administering someone’s deceased estate?

After attending to the burial arrangements, the steps involved typically involve: 1.     Contact the relevant people and organisation…
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1 October 2015

October 2015 - Taxation Update

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, where the following topics are discussed: 1.  GST on all (taxable) online transaction…
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26 September 2015

What happens if my Transition to Retirement Income Stream (TRIS) payments exceed the maximum annual payment limit for my Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)?

A TRIS A Transition-to-retirement income stream (TRIS) can be…
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22 September 2015

What expenses can I claim if I use a home office / work from home?

Working from home may allow you to deductions for part of your home expenses / payments. The deductions available will depend on whether the home can be rega…
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19 September 2015

Can I roll / move an asset from one SMSF to another SMSF of which I am a sole member of both without causing a Capital Gains event.

Many people believe that as the ‘beneficial ownership’ has not changed, i.e., the member is still the owner, that there is not CGT event.  …
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12 September 2015

Chartered Accountant wants to become a Lion Tamer - John Cleese and Michael Palin

Chartered Accountant wants to become a Lion Tamer - John Cleese and Michael Palin.       For the stereotypes of a Chartered Accounta…
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