Blogs & Resources

3 April 2015

Understanding your business performance and financial position

 once read that the 2 major complaints that clients have with their accountants are:   1.  Lack of convenient car parking. &nbs…
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1 April 2015

How do you calculate your Break Even Margin?

Break Even for a business is the point of zero profit and loss, i.e., where the revenue equals the costs. Another way of thinking of your Break Even point is…
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26 March 2015

Changes to the treatment of Superannuation Lump sum withdrawal?

This recent articles discusses the possibility that members won’t be able to withdraw their balances as a lump sum.  Rather they will be forced to re…
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25 March 2015

What is the difference between an accrual and a debtor and / or creditor?

These two terms are often interchanged, however, there is a distinct difference.   A debtor and / or creditor that is booked into the accounts will have…
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22 March 2015

What is the difference between an expense and a tax deduction?

The difference between an expense and a deduction is essentially that deductions are able to be claimed against your taxable income while expenses may or may no…
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21 March 2015

Income Tax Returns – different types of deductions available.

There are numerous and various types of deductions available to tax payers that may be claimed in their individual income tax returns. Some of the categories…
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16 March 2015

Round table discussion on business decision making

Choose the right business / investment structure   Critical tools for making decisions in your business     Organiser Liam Mc…
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15 March 2015

What is the registration due date for the R & D Tax Incentive application?

According to the Australian Government, registration is a critical first step in accessing the R&D Tax Incentive. Companies must register their R&D a…
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14 March 2015

SMSF - property purchases tips and traps.

Recently the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has released some information on their website outlining tips and traps when using a Self Managed Superannuation F…
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3 March 2015

March 2015 - Taxation Update

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, where the following topics are discussed: 1.  Small Business Company Tax Cut. 2.&n…
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28 February 2015

Why is it important to document loans between related parties, i.e., an individual and trust and / or company?

Division 7A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 was put in place by the Government to prevent Pty Ltd entities from making tax free distribution of profits to…
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15 February 2015

How is your income tax liability calculated?

This is outlined in Division 4 of the 1997 Income Tax Assessment Act.   There are 4 basic steps: 1.    Calculate your taxable incom…
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8 February 2015

Interesting facts about Richmond 3121.

Operating an Accounting Practice in Richmond, I have always been interested in the suburb changes. I recently came across this article about Richmond Vic 312…
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7 February 2015

Important non financial Key Performance Indicators (KPI) – What is your Conversion Rate?

This is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that focuses on the sales and marketing part of your business.  Its main focus is to ask the business how success…
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2 February 2015

February 2015 - Taxation Update

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, where the following topics are discussed: 1.  ATO data matching programs. 2. …
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31 January 2015

How is Earnings before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) calculated?

Earnings before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITA) is calculated by taking the Net Profit of a business and adding back the: 1. Interest; …
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