Blogs & Resources

19 August 2016

Business Health Checks

Some of the questions you should be asking of your business: 1.    What is your breakeven point, i.e., how many sales do you need to generate …
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7 August 2016

The Importance of Liquidity Ratios in your business.

Liquidity ratios are important to businesses as they measure the ability for a business to pay its bills. A business must have significant cash reserves to c…
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30 July 2016

What is your businesses’ Marginal Cash Flow Percentage?

Marginal Cash Flow Percentage is calculated as follows: Gross Margin % - Working Capital % It shows as a percentage what cash will be available for your ove…
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27 July 2016

What is your Businesses’ Margin of Safety?

The Margin of Safety is a measure or Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of how far your sales can fall before reaching your breakeven point.  It is a mea…
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25 July 2016

The three areas that businesses want to improve in?

Most businesses would like to improve in the following areas: Revenue Growth Profit Improvement Cash flow Improvement It is then a matter of iden…
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25 July 2016

What is Debtors and Work in Progress Lock Up and how do you reduce it?

Debtors and Work in Progress Lock Up otherwise known as Lock Up is the amount of days taken to convert your WIP and your Debtors / Receivables into Cash. It …
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23 July 2016

The importance of monitoring your Operating Expense Ratio?

Operating Expenses include the expenses that are required to run the day to day operations of the business.   It is calculated as follows: Operating Exp…
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22 July 2016

What is the difference between Net Profit, Operating Profit and Gross Profit?

Net ProfitNet Profit is what is left over in a business after all expenses and income have been taken into account.  It takes into consideration:- &nb…
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17 July 2016

What are the benefits of improving your Working Capital Days in your business?

Working Capital Days is a financial measurement and can be used as a Key Performance indicator (KPI).   It is calculated as follows: (Current assets &nd…
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13 July 2016

What is the financial measurement Work In Progress (WIP) Days or Stock Days and how is it calculated?

This is a measurement of how quickly a business is using its Inventory or Work In Progress (WIP).   It is calculated as follows: Annual Cost of Goods So…
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10 July 2016

What is the financial measurement Creditor Days and how is it calculated?

This is also known as Payable Days and it is a measurement of how long it takes for a business to pay its suppliers. It is calculated as follows: Total supp…
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2 July 2016

Taxation Update - July 2016

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, where the following topics are discussed: 1.   ATO focuses on rental property ow…
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18 June 2016

What are the key Drivers of Revenue?

The 3 main drivers of your revenue are:1.    The price you sell your products / services to your customers / clients for.2.    The…
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12 June 2016

What are Business Performance Drivers in relation to Key Performance Indicators (KPI)?

Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are used in business to measure the performance of the business against criteria that are considered important if not vital to …
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4 June 2016

2016 Taxation Checklist for Businesses and Individuals + June 2016 Taxation Update

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our 2016 Taxation Checklist for Businesses and Individuals + June 2016 Taxation Update, where the following is discussed:…
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27 May 2016

Small Business Restructure Rollover and Discretionary / Family Trusts.

From 1 July 2016 Small Businesses are allowed to change their structure…
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