Blogs & Resources

6 June 2015

We would love to help you define & improve your business performance

Our clients tell us that we provide great taxation and accounting advice.  But what they value is our insights into improving their business perform…
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4 June 2015

June 2015 - Taxation Update

June 2015 - Taxation Update Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, where the following topics are discussed: 1.  ATO warn…
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30 May 2015

The $20,000 depreciation deduction effective from 7.30pm (AEST) 12 May 2015

As a part of the budget the Government has announced that all small businesses, with a turnover of less than $2,000,000 is able to write off an asset purcha…
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14 May 2015

Budget Measure will allow small business a greater ability to minimise their taxes and protect their assets.

The new budget measure announced by the government - CGT roll-over relief for changes to entity structure which will come into effect on 1 July 2016 will gi…
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13 May 2015

2015/16 Budget

Expanding accelerated depreciation for small business Tax cuts for small business Immediate deduction for professional expenses on commencing a new …
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12 May 2015

Critical Measurement for running your business? Break Even Point

The Break Even Point is a crucial measurement for business and is often over looked. Your Break Even Point is essentially:   1.    Th…
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11 May 2015

Family Trusts can be very effective for Tax Planning and Asset Protection.

Although there are two areas that trustees must consider: 1.    Having trustee resolutions concerning allocation / entitlement of trust income…
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9 May 2015

What is tax planning?

Generally speaking tax planning is when a tax payer (whether it is an individual; trust; company; partnership or superannuation fund) organises its / their affa…
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8 May 2015

Tax Planning Guide – What are the main things to consider for tax planning?

1.    Reducing assessable income. 2.    Increasing your deductions or tax offsets. 3.    Diverting Income. …
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4 May 2015

May 2015 - Taxation Update

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, where the following topics are discussed: 1.  ATO data matching programs. 2. …
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2 May 2015

How to purchase a business

From the perspective of a Company Pty Ltd, there are two different methods of purchasing a business, these are: 1.    Purchasing the shares of…
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23 April 2015

What is an R & D Feedstock Adjustment?

This is the amount an R & D entity includes in their assessable income. It is for R & D entities that produce either: 1.    Marketabl…
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19 April 2015

When does a Pre Capital Gains Tax (CGT) asset lose its status?

A Pre CGT asset losses its tax free status generally when the ownership of the asset alters. Division 149 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 contains the rule…
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12 April 2015

Pay NO Tax. 0% tax for the average Australian.

It is now possible for the average to achieve a tax free environment while living in Australia. If you are receiving a self funded pension this will generall…
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7 April 2015

Research and Development (R & D) Tax Incentive $100,000,000 threshold change.

The new threshold for R & D tax incentive claimants has changed to $100,000,000.  That is notional deductions can only be included in the calculation u…
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6 April 2015

What is a Pre Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Asset?

A Pre CGT asset is an asset that generally will not be subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT).According to Section 149 – 10 of Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 …
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