Blogs & Resources

17 November 2016

Maximising your depreciation deductions for your investment property(ies).

Many investors and business owners overlook the advantage of claiming depreciation as a tax deduction.  In many situations, there are large tax savings to …
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16 November 2016

The benefits of Benchmarking your Business.

Benchmarking your business against other similar businesses can give you valuable feedback on your business performance. When you benchmark your business…
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11 November 2016

Research and Development (R & D) Tax Incentive due dates.

Research and Development (R & D) Tax Incentive applicants must lodge their registeration of  R & D activities within 10 months after the end of…
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6 November 2016

ATO Problems and Disputes - Are you having a dispute or problem with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)?

Many businesses and individuals have problems with the ATO.  Having someone who can explain your problem and negotiate with the ATO will give you a greater…
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5 November 2016

Do you have the most appropriate bookkeeping / accounting system for your business?

Good accounting software is critical to a good business system. Having the most appropriate accounting software will give your business a better chance of su…
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3 November 2016

Are you paying too much interest on your Investment or Home Loan?

As interest rates, particularly on investment and home loans have been in decline over recent years it would be beneficial to review your loan to see if the…
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1 November 2016

The benefits of doing your Business Activity Statement (BAS)

Whether you lodge your BAS on a monthly or quarterly basis most businesses find it irritating.  Not only do you have to stop working and devote resourc…
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31 October 2016

What is Estate Planning?

Estate Planning is the review and advice regarding the protection of your estate and the interests of your beneficiaries in the event of your death. This in…
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28 October 2016

Taxation Update - November 2016

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, where the following topics are discussed: 1.   Survey for SMSFs using LRBAs 2…
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26 October 2016

Changes to the Research and Development Tax Incentive Offset

The R & D Tax Incentive Offset is designed for companies that are trying to create new knowledge.  For the majority of companies this is experimental d…
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18 October 2016

More Changes to Superannuation (SMSF)

Cut to concessional contribution limits As of 1 July 2017 the annual concessional contributions cap will be reduced to $25,000.   Currently the caps …
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14 October 2016

Changes to the Net Medical Expenses Tax Offset.

The Australian Government is phasing out the Net Medical Expenses Tax Offset between the 2014 and 2019 financial years.  It will cease in the 2019 financia…
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9 October 2016

Taxation Update - October 2016

Taxation Update - October 2016 Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, where the following topics are discussed: 1.  …
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8 September 2016

The difference between cash flow and profit?

A common thing that we hear is how can I be making a but have no cash to pay myself and my bills. The first thing to remember is that your profit does not eq…
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2 September 2016

Taxation Update - September 2016

Please subscribe to our newsletter for our latest taxation update, where the following topics are discussed: 1.   Tax schemes targeting Pre - retir…
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21 August 2016

New Team Member

As a result of increased growth in recent years we wish to welcome Tanya McNamara who will be taking on a more active role in McNamara and Company. Tanya is …
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