Creating value in your business.

17 February 2017

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Creating value in your business not only improves the customer / client experience it also makes the business more attractive when it comes to selling it.


Value can be created in your business by:

Being Unique.  By having a unique way of doing business either by way of delivering your service to your customers / clients, or by providing unique products / niche products should increase the value of your business.

Think like the buyer.  Buyers will be the most critical of what you have to offer. Thinking like a buyer will encourage you to find new ways to improve your services and products.  This will prevent you from becoming complacent.

Remove the reliance that your business has on yourself.  A true business should be able to transfer between owners without the customer / clients noticing any difference.  This is rare and hard to achieve but by aiming to do so it will increase value if your business.


If you would like to discuss further please contact us:
McNamara and Co - Chartered Accountants, located minutes from the Melbourne CBD
Phone +61 3 9428 1062

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