Blogs & Resources

25 January 2015

The benefit of using the Non Concessional Contributions – Capital Gains Tax Cap?

The Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Cap amount for 2015 is $1,355,000. Provided that you meet the conditions of the Small Business CGT Concession Regime you may …
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20 January 2015

How well is your business managing its Operating Expenses?

Your Operating Expense Ratio is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that should be applied and viewed on a regular basis to ensure that a business operating e…
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17 January 2015

Important things to consider when developing Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for your business?

KPI are used in business to measure the performance of the business against criteria that are considered important if not vital to the success of the business.W…
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15 January 2015

The importance of having performance measurements in your business.

In order to achieve your business goals you will require the appropriate tools to measure the performance. A performance measurement system that is widely used…
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12 January 2015

How much money do I need to retire?

The obvious answer is what you need / want in retirement and how long you will live for, however, according to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Austra…
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11 January 2015

Have a better understanding of your business performance and financial position.

I once read that the 2 major complaints that clients have with their accountants are:   1.     Lack of convenient car parking…
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10 January 2015

Why is a healthy Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) important to a business?

Adequate cash flow is vital to the sustainability of a business.  The Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) measures the number of days that a business takes to…
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4 January 2015

What is a Critical Success Factor?

A Critical Success Factor (CSF) is something that is required for a business or organisation to succeed.For example: Attract and retain new clients / customers.…
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1 January 2015

How can you improve your Working Capital?

Working Capital is calculated as Current Asset – Current Liabilities. Typically Current Assets consist of: Trade Debtors / Receivables Cash I…
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31 December 2014

What is Working Capital and why is understanding and improving it important?

Working Capital can be defined as how liquid the assets of a business / organisation is.  It is the operational liquidity. It is calculated as: Worki…
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23 December 2014

The importance of having good control of your debtors.

Improving your debtors performance is a good way of improving the use of your working capital. Debtors can be defined as money that is owed to you.  Typ…
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19 December 2014

What are the taxes that you will potentially be liable for as a business owner / operator?

As a business owner and depending on your revenue; transaction type; wages; and what you provide your employees - you may be liable for the following types of t…
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16 December 2014

Can I claim my Christmas party as a tax deduction and what are the fringe benefit tax implications?

Generally speaking, if a party / function is held off the employer's premises and the cost per head is less than $300 the cost will be exempt from Fringe Be…
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16 December 2014

Are gifts to clients / customers tax deductible?

Generally speaking yes. If the gift is designed to:1.    Promote and / or advertise your business;2.    Generate goodwill between your busin…
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14 December 2014

Control My Tax and Control My Business

Text Here
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11 December 2014

McNamara and Co - Welcome to our new website.

We have just launced our new website.   If you would like to discuss further please contact us: McNamara and Co - Chartered Accountants, located min…
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