Blogs & Resources

13 October 2018

What is the difference between cash flow and profit?

A common issue that we hear is how can I be making a profit but yet I have no cash to pay myself and my bills.The first thing to remember is that your profit do…
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8 September 2018

What is my Revenue Growth Rate?

Revenue Growth Rate is a great Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for measuring the rate that your business is growing in terms of sales.  Revenue and sales …
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24 July 2018

Why the Cash Conversion Cycle is a powerful and important Key Performance Indicator (KPI)?

We have all heard the term ‘cash is king’ and a business survives on its cash not profit.The Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) measures the total number o…
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11 March 2018

Silver bullet and business success – 3 Key Areas.

Finding a silver bullet for business success is extremely rare.  It often achieved after numerous attempts.   Giving your business the best chan…
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27 July 2016

What is your Businesses’ Margin of Safety?

The Margin of Safety is a measure or Key Performance Indicator (KPI) of how far your sales can fall before reaching your breakeven point.  It is a mea…
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8 May 2016

When considering the profitability of your business what Key Performance Indicators (KPI) should you consider?

The KPI's that are helpful when evaluating the profitability of your business include:1.    Revenue Growth…
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26 March 2016

What is Return on Investment (ROI)?

Return in Investment (ROI) is another useful Key Performance Indicator (KPI).  It can be used for your business as a whole or a segment of your business or…
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19 March 2016

What is Total Shareholder Return?

Total Shareholder Return is another Key Performance Indicator (KPI) showing what value shareholders are receiving from their business.This KPI shows the change …
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