A TRIS is essentially an account based pension which can be accessed once a preservation age has been met.
For the 2012 income tax year the preservation age is 55 years. A TRIS must meet Regulations 1.05 (11A) or 1.06(9A) of The Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (SISR).
The total amount that can be withdrawn in a financial year is 10% of the balance as at 1 July. Refer Regulation 6.01 of SISR.
If you are between 55 and 60 and have entered into a TRIS the following tax rates will be applicable:
1. The tax free component will attract 0% tax. Section 301-15 25 Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997);
2. The taxable component is treated as assessable income - Section 301 - 25 ITAA 1997; and
3. The untaxed portion of the taxable portion is treated as assessable income Section 301-110 ITAA 1997.
The difference between 2 and 3 is that 2 attracts a tax offset equal to 15%. Section 301 - 25 ITAA 1997.