1. Significant tax deduction that can be claimed by the Self Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF);
2. Tax savings available to remaining members of the fund;
3. Future capital gains tax events can beminimisedif not eliminated;
4. Increase the lump sum received by the beneficiaries;
1. Reserves must be in place prior to the payment of the payment as it can not be made from member's balances;
2. The reserve will typically need to be established and contributed to over many years;
3. If the SMSF is in pension phase, any income generated by the reserves will be taxed at 15%, i.e., they won?t be eligible for the tax free concessions.
Section 295 - 485 Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997)
Section 295 - 385 (3) ITAA 1997
ATO Interpretative Decision 2012/10